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 Professional Development Workshop

From Plows to Pixels: Agriculture through the Years


Plan on joining us on July 16 & 17 2024 for our Professional Development training! It will be hosted in Sioux City at Morningside University.


We will focus on how technology is constantly changing within the agriculture world and how they relate to Iowa standards.


The two-day in-person workshops are fast-paced and are FREE to attend! They include on-site tours, hands-on activities, resource materials, lunches, and more! One licensure renewal credit is available from the AEA for $35.00. One graduate credit is available through Drake University, Grandview University, and Morningside College for $130.00. 

Agriculture is essential to the economy of Iowa and is a great way to contextualize learning. Everybody eats and learning about our food system can be fun too! These agriculturally themed workshops will provide you with first-person experience, lessons, and activities that can be taken directly to your classroom to share with your students.


Join us this summer and sign up by going to IALF’s Professional Development page

Need help registering? Click HERE.


© 2017 Siouxland Agriculture in the Classroom.

Siouxland Agriculture in the Classroom is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN 46-4562480.

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