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Lending Library

Our available kits and models are listed below. Click each light bulb for further information. To reserve a kit or model, fill out the form below.


Please note, while there is no cost to use a kit or model, you are responsible for either picking up and returning the module from our office, or paying the shipping costs associated with getting it to you and returning it.


If you're interested in the Google Expedition Kit, please contact Kim George at the Cherokee County Farm Bureau. This kit includes 30 sets of goggles, the instructor tablet, and the router and Wi-Fi connection needed for the whole set. 

RealityWorks Cow

One-sixth the size of a live cow, this model includes all parts of the ruminant system and the udder structures.

RealityWorks Pig

One-third the size of a live pig,  this model has 17 removable organs, and shows a detailed muscular system.

RealityWorks Chicken

This model is a life-size replica of a hen. The model has seven removable body parts and organs.

RealityWorks Dicot and Corn Grain

This three-piece model includes a dicot stem, dicot flower, and a corn grain model.


Animal Cell

This full-color model shows the structures of an animal cell.




A Stick in the Mud: Evaluating Landscape

Grades 1-5

Earth & Space Science

This kit includes all materials and the teacher guide for all four lessons.

Catching the Wind:

Designing Windmills

Grades 1-5

Earth & Space Science

This kit includes all materials and the teacher guide for all four lessons.

Food for Thought:

Engineering Ice Cream

Grades 6-8

Project-Based Learning

This kit includes materials and the teacher guide for all eight activities.

Marvelous Machines:

Making Work Faster

Grades 1-5

Physical Science

This kit includes all materials and the teacher guide for all four lessons.

Plants to Plastics:

Engineering Bioplastics

Grades 6-8

Project-Based Learning

This kit includes materials and the teacher guide for all eight lessons.

The Best of Bugs:

Designing Hand Pollinators

Grades 1-5

Life Science

This kit includes all materials and the teacher guide for all four lessons.

Contact SAITC with

any further questions!

If you have questions about a kit, its materials, or the logistics of lending, please email our director, Meredith Clymer.


© 2017 Siouxland Agriculture in the Classroom.

Siouxland Agriculture in the Classroom is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN 46-4562480.

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